It’s the best day ever in the history of the world!

Stella is going to have the best day ever: water day, gymnastics, and a sleepover with a new friend!

Although she’s excited, Stella spends her time worrying that her friends will notice the scars on her knees until an empathetic friend helps her see her star-shaped scars in a new way – as something to celebrate and be proud of.

This interactive picture book is designed to get children involved with opportunities for discussion and active play that build confidence, understanding, curiosity, and empathy about the uniqueness of others.

Four children on the balance beam, a male with dark hair at the back talking to Stella, who is at the front with a leotard and leggings on
Stella, with brown curly hair and a pink polka dotted dress, with her arms in the air looking down at her knees
Stella, with dark brown curly hair, age 6, wearing a coral shirt with magenta polka dots and dark blue and light blue striped leggings, smiling.


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