Donate One Hardcover to Levine Children's Hospital


Donate one hardcover copy of Stars on My Knees

Your donation means that more kids with scars will feel seen and understood. Donated books will be given to Levine Children’s Hospital for children coming out of surgery. Thank you for your generosity!

If you’d like to donate multiple copies, just change your quantity to reflect that!

Choose the "Delivery to Hospital" option at checkout for free delivery.

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Donate one hardcover copy of Stars on My Knees

Your donation means that more kids with scars will feel seen and understood. Donated books will be given to Levine Children’s Hospital for children coming out of surgery. Thank you for your generosity!

If you’d like to donate multiple copies, just change your quantity to reflect that!

Choose the "Delivery to Hospital" option at checkout for free delivery.

Donate one hardcover copy of Stars on My Knees

Your donation means that more kids with scars will feel seen and understood. Donated books will be given to Levine Children’s Hospital for children coming out of surgery. Thank you for your generosity!

If you’d like to donate multiple copies, just change your quantity to reflect that!

Choose the "Delivery to Hospital" option at checkout for free delivery.

Stars on My Knees Book Description:

Stella spends her time worrying that her friends will notice her scars until an empathetic friend helps her see her star-shaped scars in a new way – as something to celebrate and be proud of.